6 Beneficial Lifestyle Changes for Schizophrenia Patients

6 Beneficial Lifestyle Changes for Schizophrenia Patients

Schizophrenia is a chronic mental health issue characterized by disturbances in thoughts or behavior, loss of emotional responsiveness, and extreme apathy. Patients usually opt for psychotherapies and psychiatric medicines to stabilize the condition, but lifestyle changes help manage this progressive disease and control the symptoms to a great extent. Here’s a list of a few lifestyle changes to manage schizophrenia effectively: An improved diet : Wholesome foods like legumes, green leafy vegetables, whole grains, seafood, and lean cuts of meat provide nutrients that are highly beneficial for the proper functioning of the brain. They are loaded with zinc, folate, magnesium, and various essential fatty acids. Similarly, berries, dark chocolates, and certain herbs have polyphenols that play an important role in the brain’s functioning. Regular exercise : The long list of lifestyle changes to manage schizophrenia also includes regular exercise. Physical activities like jogging, swimming, or playing any other sport are highly recommended for schizophrenia patients because they can improve one’s mental and physical health. Also, activities that involve social interactions and exposure to nature can help patients keep their minds engaged in something positive.  No smoking and drinking : Quitting smoking and alcohol consumption can improve mood and reduce the signs of constant anxiety.
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7 Simple Snacks for Kids’ Lunchboxes

7 Simple Snacks for Kids’ Lunchboxes

Snacking in between meals is extremely important for children, as it keeps them full for longer and provides them with the required energy to do their usual jumping and running around. That said, thinking of something new to prepare every morning can get a little difficult for parents. To make your morning routine easier, here are some quick and easy snacks for school: Fruit kebabs : Kids like their snacks to look interesting, so you can cut fruits and put them together on small skewers or toothpicks for their lunchbox. You can also include a few slices of cheese for added flavor and color. Trail mix : The list of quick and easy snacks for school is incomplete without mentioning trail mix, especially if you’re looking for something healthy but are running extremely late. It is an exciting way to bring together sweet and savory flavors while offering an abundance of nutrients to kids. You can add nuts, seeds, coconut, dried fruits, cereal, and chocolate chunks to provide a boost of energy to your little one. Veggies and dip : If you’re looking for ways to get your children to eat vegetables, all you need to do is make a tasty dip to pair them up with.
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7 Delicious Snacks That Keep Blood Sugar Levels in Check

7 Delicious Snacks That Keep Blood Sugar Levels in Check

Snacks are essential parts of our diets and keep us going in between meals. That said, if you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, selecting a healthy, guilt-free snack can be quite challenging. You require a healthy combination of fats, protein, fiber, and carbohydrates in your snacks to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Conventional treatments for Type 2 diabetes primarily focus on managing blood sugar levels and reducing the risk of diabetes-related complications. Metformin is often the first-line medication prescribed. It works by reducing the amount of glucose released by the liver and improving the body’s response to insulin, thereby decreasing blood sugar levels. Besides its glucose-lowering effect, metformin has been shown to have cardiovascular benefits and can aid in weight management, which is crucial for Type 2 diabetes patients. Another important medication in the treatment arsenal is Empagliflozin, a newer class of drugs known as SGLT2 inhibitors. Empagliflozin works by preventing the kidneys from reabsorbing glucose back into the blood, leading to its excretion through urine. This not only lowers blood sugar levels but also offers cardiovascular benefits, as demonstrated in several clinical trials. It has been particularly noted for reducing heart failure and kidney disease progression in patients with Type 2 diabetes.
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7 Diet Tips to Lower Blood Cholesterol Levels

7 Diet Tips to Lower Blood Cholesterol Levels

High blood cholesterol levels can lead to serious health issues, so people dealing with cholesterol issues should be mindful of what their diet includes. If you have high cholesterol levels, you must keep a check on everything you consume and understand how foods impact your cholesterol levels. For a better understanding, here are some tips to lower cholesterol with healthy food habits: Consume foods rich in soluble fiber : Your small intestine does not digest soluble fiber, which attracts cholesterol and prevents it from being absorption into the bloodstream or the arteries. Regular consumption of foods rich in soluble fiber significantly reduces cholesterol levels, so include apples, whole grains, and beans and legumes in your everyday diet. Eat lots of fruits and veggies : This is one of the most effective tips to lower cholesterol with healthy food habits. Fruits and veggies are loaded with several antioxidants that block plaque from accumulating in the arteries. This brings down the risk of heart disease and also promotes overall health. Add herbs and spices for flavor : Herbs and spices are packed with necessary vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Along with reducing the plaque formation, regular consumption of herbs and spices like turmeric, clove, and ginger can effectively bring down cholesterol levels.
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Foods That Trigger Eczema Flare-Ups

Foods That Trigger Eczema Flare-Ups

Eczema is a skin condition that can cause inflammation, redness, itch, and cracked skin. It develops quite early in one’s childhood in most cases and can be a chronic issue that needs to be handled with medications and lifestyle changes. Here is a list of top food triggers for eczema that you should know of. Animal milk One of the top food triggers for eczema that you should be aware of is animal milk. A majority of the global population uses cow’s milk and this can easily trigger the symptoms of eczema in both children and adults. Children, in particular, can develop milk allergies that they mostly outgrow with time. During the allergic period though, the use of animal milk will lead to skin inflammation, extreme dryness, and itching. Peanuts While peanuts do not directly cause eczema, it has been found that many people with eczema end up having peanut allergies. If you have the skin disorder, then it is safer to stay away from peanuts as they can intensify the allergies and cause extreme discomfort. Citrus fruits Most kinds of citrus fruits are listed in the top food triggers for eczema. This is because even though these fruits are healthy, they contain a component called myroxylon pereirae that can flare up the symptoms of the conditions.
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7 Foods That Are Not Keto-Friendly

7 Foods That Are Not Keto-Friendly

The keto or ketogenic diet has risen in popularity as one of the most effective ways to lose weight. That said, many fail to achieve the desired results despite putting in their best efforts. If you’re also facing a similar issue, you must figure out exactly what kicks you out of ketosis. Read on to know what foods can kick your body out of ketosis and prevent you from achieving your weight loss goals: Grapes: These tasty, juicy fruits are loaded with vitamin C and are low in calories, but they have higher fructose levels than other fruits. This makes them a wrong choice if you’re on a keto diet. Fructose is an unhealthy carbohydrate that can adversely affect your weight loss journey. Oats : Oats are healthy whole grains that offer a range of health benefits. From soothing constipation to boosting energy and aiding in detoxification, they can support different functions. However, their carbohydrate content can force the body out of ketosis, and it usually takes several days to get back into it. In the meantime, your weight loss process may be disrupted. Banana : Wondering what kicks you out of ketosis? Bananas are guilty. Although bananas are an excellent source of potassium, they’re also rich in carbohydrates.
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IBS Trigger Foods to Avoid Eating

IBS Trigger Foods to Avoid Eating

A healthy diet and lifestyle are something that everyone wants to follow but people with irritable bowel syndrome or IBS might experience that not all foods, regardless of their nutrient content, are good for their stomach. These food items worsen the abdominal issues and aggravate the symptoms being experienced. Although the triggers might be different for different people, but there is a list of food that aggravates IBS in nearly every person at risk of the disorder. Read on to find out the food items that lead to symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, bloating, cramps etc. Dairy products Foods containing lactose can cause gas and bloating if you suffer from IBS. There are many dairy items that have high fat content, which becomes hard to digest and can lead to diarrhea. People with minor symptoms can switch to low fat dairy items, but if you have to give up on dairy altogether, then finding calcium alternatives is important. Try including green leafy vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds in your diet. Foods with high fructose Fructose is also one such food that aggravates IBS in many people. Apart from processed foods that have added sugar, fruits like apple, pears, mangoes, blackberries, peaches, plums, green bananas, watermelon, and dried fruits can also increase these symptoms.
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10 Foods That Help Support Lung Health

10 Foods That Help Support Lung Health

To have a smooth functioning body, it is important keep your lungs healthy. Whatever you eat will have a serious impact on your health in a long run. To ensure optimum growth and good health for your overall system, it is important to include these 10 best foods for lung health in your everyday diet. Garlic and onions These pungent spelling food items are rich in flavonoids, which help in the production of an antioxidant called glutathione. These foods lower cholesterol level, reduce inflammation, and help to increase the count of white blood cells, which further help in fighting infection. Ginger Ginger is also counted among the top 10 best foods for lung health that you should include in your diet. This anti-inflammatory food item helps in eliminating pollutants from the organs. Ginger works as a natural decongestant and detoxifier to improve the air passage. Healthy fats If you feel any difficulty in breathing, then switching to a diet that’s low in carbohydrates and rich in healthy fats can be really helpful. Nuts, salmon, sardines, and food rich in omega-3 fats will help in improving your lung health. Cruciferous vegetables Vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli can keep the lungs healthy while decreasing the risk of cancer.
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5 Foods to Eat and to Avoid with Ulcerative Colitis

5 Foods to Eat and to Avoid with Ulcerative Colitis

Although there is no known cure for ulcerative colitis, you can improve your condition by making some changes to your diet. Diarrhea, cramping, abdominal pain, rectal pain, fatigue, and fever are some of the common symptoms of this gastrointestinal problem. Foods cannot cure the condition, but it can definitely minimize the flare-ups. Here are 5 foods to avoid and 5 to eat in ulcerative colitis. Foods to eat Oatmeal A high fiber diet is good for almost any stomach related issue as it helps in a smooth bowel movement. But in case of ulcerative colitis, when you are experiencing flare ups, a high fiber diet can result in diarrhea. Remember that you need to get your dietary carbohydrates to maintain your energy balance, so eating oatmeal can protect you from flare ups. Bananas, melons, blueberries, strawberries, oranges, and grapes Enriched with the goodness of vitamins and antioxidants, these fruits are known for producing lesser gas in the system, unlike many fruits rich in fructose. Include these fruits in your snacks or salad or eat them on the go. Colorful vegetables The symptoms such as diarrhea, pain, fatigue, and fever can cause malnutrition in the body. So, include foods rich in micro and macro nutrients to combat this issue.
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The Best Low-Alcohol Cocktails for Casual Drinkers

The Best Low-Alcohol Cocktails for Casual Drinkers

The world of cocktails has unlocked a wide range of flavors, recipes, techniques, and ingredients tat can help one enjoy their drink better. While some of these concoctions might be heavy on alcohol, casual drinkers can always pick from a wide range of cocktails with least amount of alcohol. The concept of low alcohol cocktails is creating a buzz in the country and for good reasons. Low proof drinks allow you to mind your consumption, limit the effects of day drinking, mix flavors, and save room for what comes next. Here are some of the low-alcohol cocktails that you can try. Americano The classic combo of Campari, vermouth and club soda, garnished with lemon or orange slice, this Italian cocktail is rich in flavour and low in alcohol. This fizzy drink leaves a refreshing impact. This low ABV (alcohol by volume) cocktail is served on the rocks and an ideal drink before dinner. Mimosa This easy-to-make low alcohol cocktail is made using just chilled citrus juice and sparkling wine such as champagne. Adding champagne at last will ensure that both the ingredients are mixed well so you won’t even need to stir it. This cocktail is a pour and drink cocktail.
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