Foods That Help Manage Bipolar Depression

Foods That Help Manage Bipolar Depression

People experiencing bipolar depression are often recommended therapy and a range of medications to manage their mood lines. These methods are helpful in long run. But alongside them, one can also aid their recovery by making changes to their diet. To do that, you need to know about certain foods to include in the diet for bipolar depression. Let’s take a look at them here. Avocado Whatever you eat can have a good or bad effect on your physical and mental state. You just need to recognize which food item leads to what result. Avocado is one such superfood that you can include in your diet to treat symptoms of bipolar disorder. Tryptophan, folate, and omega 3 present in avocados are known for retaining serotonin receptors in brain which further boosts the mood. Whole grains These are some of the important foods to include in diet for bipolar depression as they are good for heart, stomach and mind. Whole grains are rich in carbohydrates that helps your brain in the production of serotonin. Brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal, whole grain bread and pasta are some good examples. Omega-3 fatty acids Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are the major omega-3 fatty acids that play a vital role in retaining good health of your brain.
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Food Preservatives That Can Trigger Asthma

Food Preservatives That Can Trigger Asthma

Several food preservatives are common asthma triggers and can trigger the condition as part of a food allergy or an intolerance reaction. So, people with asthma should avoid these preservatives, as they can sometimes lead to severe, life-threatening reactions called anaphylaxis. One must understand the link between food preservatives and asthma and take conscious measures to avoid harmful ones, so here’s a list of seven common preservatives that can cause adverse reactions: Sulfites:  Typically, sulfites a group of chemicals commonly used as additives in food. They prevent the food from taking on a brownish color when exposed to air. Sulfites are considered very harmful for asthma patients, as they can trigger mild to severe symptoms. A reaction to sulfite may lead to symptoms like difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, diarrhea, stomach cramps, and hives. In unforeseen cases, it can even lead to anaphylactic shock. Sulfites are commonly present in dried fruits, wine, shrimp, jams and jellies, frozen potatoes, and white grape juice. Aspartame:  This is a zero-calorie artificial sweetener used in a wide range of foods and beverages. There is a strong connection between this food preservative and asthma. People who experience difficulty metabolizing the amino acid phenylalanine must stay away from this sweetener, as it can trigger serious reactions.
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