Risk Factors and Effective Ways to Prevent Leukemia
Leukemia is a kind of blood cancer that affects the bone marrow, hindering the body’s ability to fight infections. Leukemia can be slow-growing or aggressive, depending on its stage. Here is a list of risk factors and preventive tips for leukemia that you should know.
Risk factors for leukemia
- Family history – Having a first-degree relative with leukemia or an identical twin diagnosed with the condition puts one at a higher risk of developing this type of blood cancer.
- Exposure to radiations – In the list of risk factors and preventive tips for leukemia, exposure to energy radiations, including atomic bomb explosions, is an important risk factor. People who are chronically exposed to energy radiations from electromagnetic fields are at a higher risk of developing leukemia.
- Congenital syndromes – Some congenital syndromes like Down syndrome, Bloom syndrome, and Diamond-Blackfan syndrome are considered risk factors for developing leukemia.
- Past cancer treatments – If you have undergone radiation therapy or chemotherapy as part of your cancer treatments, then this can put one at a higher risk of developing blood cancer. Both radiation and chemotherapy can cause mutational changes in a person’s DNA, resulting in leukemia.
- Bone marrow failure – About 33% of people with a bone marrow failure disorder develop leukemia over time.
Preventive tips for leukemia
- Stay away from tobacco – Tobacco is a cause of many types of cancers, including leukemia. One of the best preventive tips on the list of risk factors and preventive tips for leukemia is to stay away from all forms of tobacco, including smoking.
- Avoid cancer-causing chemicals – Many domestic and industrial chemicals are proven to increase one’s risk of developing leukemia. Staying away from them will prevent the condition from affecting you and your family. Some of these chemicals are:
- Benzene – Benzene is present in paints, varnishes, cleaning products, gasoline, and a lot of industrial products. Avoid your exposure to benzene as much as you can.
- Formaldehyde – Formaldehyde is a common chemical used in many medical laboratories and pressed clothing industries. Preventing exposure to formaldehyde will keep your risk factor low.
- Pesticides – All kinds of gardening chemicals, including weed killers, pesticides, fertilizers, and insecticides, contain harmful chemicals that can increase your risk of developing leukemia.
- Maintain a healthy body weight – Obesity is dangerous for a lot of reasons, including causing leukemia. Checking your body weight, body fat and ensuring they fall within the recommended range will lower your risk of developing leukemia.
All these risk factors and preventive tips for leukemia are compiled taking into account different kinds of internal and external factors. Switching over to a healthier lifestyle that includes using natural and organic products, staying physically healthy, and using protective gear while working in hazardous environments will help avoid leukemia.