Cold and Flu: Causes and Best Treatment Options
Cold and flu can be caused by viruses. They are a frequent and recurrent viral infection. An understanding of the common causes and treatments for cold and flu will help you prevent and treat this infection.
Here are some of the common causes of cold and flu
There are many distinct viruses that can lead to this misery, but the most common one is rhinoviruses. Some other viruses that can cause this disease are adenovirus, human respiratory syncytial virus, human parainfluenza virus, and human metapneumovirus. An average adult can get diagnosed with this condition about two to three times a year.
You can also catch a cold when someone infected with this condition coughs or sneezes near you. It releases the infected droplets in the air. It can also be caused by touching contaminated objects and surfaces and then touching eyes, nose, or mouth. These viruses live on surfaces for several hours and can infect a person. By being aware of the common causes and treatments for cold and flu you can be able to prevent and treat the same.
Treatment for cold and flu
One should understand that there is no cure for cold and flu, but there are treatment options available to relieve the symptoms. Let’s take a look at them.
Over-the-counter medications
Cold and flu cannot be treated with antibiotics. However, you can ease throat pain, cough, congestion of nose, and reduce body pains, and headaches with over-the-counter medications. A variety of decongestant drugs, cough suppressants, and saline nasal sprays are available to help with cold and flu symptoms. Paracetamol or Ibuprofen can be taken to relieve pain and fever. However, you should consult a doctor before giving any cough and cold medications to children under the age of six.
Stay hydrated
Dehydration during cold and flu can make your symptoms worse. Drinking plenty of water is important to get rid of cold and flu. Warm water, tea, chicken soup can all keep you hydrated.
Getting plenty of rest till your body fights off the virus is one of the best ways to treat cold and flu. It is important to sleep or rest as much as possible for fast recovery.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C not only boosts your overall health but can also help shorten the lifespan of a cold. Vitamin C supplements can also be added to your diet.
Soothe a sore throat
Gargling with salt water can help temporarily give some relief to sore and itchy throat.
Use a vaporizer or humidifier
Add moisture to the room by using a cool-mist humidifier or vaporizer that can help reduce congestion.
By learning about the common causes and treatments for cold and flu you can take steps to prevent and treat the same if infected. Maintaining cleanliness and staying away from people with symptoms can also keep the disease at bay.