7 Lifestyle Changes That can Reduce The Symptoms of Asthma

7 Lifestyle Changes That can Reduce The Symptoms of Asthma

Asthma is a respiratory condition that causes the airways to swell and constrict, thereby causing problems in breathing. In the country, 1 in 13 people is diagnosed with asthma. Here are the seven lifestyle tips for managing asthma.

  • Limit your exposure to triggers – This is one of the most logical lifestyle tips for managing asthma . Asthma triggers vary for different people, and you will need to identify yours. It could be pets, pollen, dust and mold, intense fragrances, or exposure to fumes and smoke. Staying away from these triggers and wearing a mask when you are exposed to these triggers will prevent the condition from flaring up.
  • Quit smoking and stay away from secondhand smoke – Exposure to tobacco is always a health hazard for people with asthma as it aggravates the symptoms of asthma. Children who are exposed to cigarette smoke are more prone to developing asthma. If you smoke, then quit it as soon as you can. If you have people who smoke around you, ensure you are not exposed to secondhand smoke.
  • Stay active and healthy – There are a lot of studies that prove asthma can be managed better with exercise. Talk to your doctor about starting with low-intensity workout sessions and then slowly increase the intensity of your workout.
  • Improve your diet – In the list of lifestyle tips for managing asthma , a good diet plays an important role. Studies show that children and teenagers who have an unhealthy lifestyle and do not eat enough vegetables and fruits are prone to asthma attacks. Include foods that are replete with Vitamin E and C and omega-3 fatty acids in your diet to keep asthma away.
  • Lose weight – While weight gain is bad for a lot of other reasons, it is especially worse for those with asthma. Obesity aggravates the symptoms of asthma. Therefore, losing weight will help you manage the condition better.
  • Do not forget your flu shots – The seasonal flu can make it worse and cause breathing difficulties in both children and adults who have asthma. You can control asthma symptoms better during the flu season if you get your flu shots on time.
  • Stay away from sulfites – One of the most overlooked lifestyle tips for managing asthma is to stay away from foods that contain sulfites. Sulfites are added to increase the shelf life of foods and are known lung irritants.

All these lifestyle tips for managing asthma will help you handle the condition better. Asthma attacks can be severe and leave a person fatigued. Use these lifestyle tips to enjoy a better quality of life.