7 Foods That Help Deal with Acid Reflux and GERD
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a condition that refers to the stomach acids flowing back into the esophagus. This can result in discomfort, pain, and a burning sensation in the stomach, chest, or throat. The foods we eat can affect the amount of acid produced in the stomach and either cause or prevent acid reflux. Here are some of the best foods to manage GERD and acid reflux:
- Vegetables : Green beans, potatoes, broccoli, cucumbers, cauliflower, asparagus, and leafy greens like spinach are some of the best foods to manage GERD and acid reflux. They are low in sugar and fat and help reduce the production of stomach acid. This can reduce the incidence of acid reflux.
- Ginger : This spice has anti-inflammatory properties and is widely used in several natural remedies for heartburn and other gastrointestinal issues. You can slice or grate this root to flavor your favorite dishes or add it to your tea. When experiencing acid reflux, sipping on ginger tea can help ease the symptoms and provide relief.
- Oatmeal : Studies have found that a diet rich in fiber can lower the risk of acid reflux and reduce the frequency of attacks. So, enjoying oatmeal for breakfast is an excellent idea to keep acid reflux and GERD at bay. Other foods to manage GERD and acid reflux are whole-grain rice and whole-grain bread. Foods high in fiber also keep you feeling full for longer and prevent overeating, which can result in heartburn.
- Fruits : Fruits are also listed among the best foods to manage GERD and acid reflux, along with a range of other health issues. That said, it’s best to avoid acidic or citrus fruits as they can trigger or aggravate acid reflux. Melons, apples, pears, and bananas are better choices.
- Egg whites : If you suffer from acid reflux regularly, avoiding egg yolk might help. The yolk is high in fat and can trigger acid reflux, so consume the whites instead.
- Meat : Foods high in fat are difficult to digest and can trigger acid reflux, so opt for lean meats like turkey or chicken instead. Also, try to cook these items with minimal butter or oil. Grilling, broiling, baking, or poaching are beneficial cooking methods if you’re prone to GERD and acid reflux.
- Healthy fat sources : Although fat can trigger acid reflux, some amount of fat is necessary for the proper functioning of the body. So, choose healthy options like avocados, flax seeds, and walnuts over foods that contain unhealthy fats. Using sunflower, sesame, or olive oil while cooking can also help prevent acid reflux. Replacing unhealthy, junk food like pizza and potato chips that are loaded with saturated and trans fats with healthier options is also helpful.
This list of some of the best foods to manage GERD and acid reflux can be of great help, as adding these to your diet can help soothe the symptoms of this condition.