7 Common Triggers of ADHD
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) cannot be cured, though the symptoms can be minimized. By identifying your individual trigger points and making certain lifestyle changes, this disorder can be managed. This article lists some of the common triggers for ADHD that can cause temper flare-ups, impulsiveness, anxiety, lack of attention, and other ADHD symptoms.
Stress is a common trigger for ADHD symptoms for both adults and children. A bad day at school or office, missing an important work deadline, procrastination or unable to focus on the work are some of the stressors in people or children with ADHD. This can affect the emotional and mental well-being and can lead to restlessness, inattention, and hyperactivity. Also, when people with ADHD are tired, they are more vulnerable to stress. Taking breaks, exercising, or doing yoga can help relieve stress.
Poor or inadequate sleep
One of the common triggers for ADHD is not getting enough sleep. Poor sleep can also worsen ADHD symptoms and can cause drowsiness, lack of concentration, and other symptoms. It can also make you hyperactive as your body and brain does not get rest. A proper sleep routine each day should be followed. This means having that a fixed sleep and wake up time may help in getting adequate sleep.
Food additives and artificial coloring
Consumption of foods containing food dyes and artificial coloring can increase hyperactivity. Artificial coloring enhances the appearance of food, but can also aggravate ADHD symptoms. Food additives such as aspartame, MSG, and nitrites, which are used to enhance flavor can also lead to hyperactivity and it is best to avoid foods containing these additives.
Sugary foods
High sugary foods and beverages can also cause ADHD symptoms. Consuming foods like candies and cakes can worsen ADHD symptoms. Lack of concentration and hyperactivity are more likely in people with ADHD who tend to have an excessive sugar intake.
Overwhelming locations, sights, and sounds can also trigger ADHD symptoms. People with ADHD are sensitive to sensory stimuli, which can cause changes in behavior. Crowded locations such as shopping malls, parties, high traffic areas, parks can exacerbate the symptoms of ADHD.
A situation where there is a need to express emotions can also trigger ADHD symptoms. People with ADHD can be overwhelmed by things going on in its surrounding be it a happy event or watching a sad movie. It can become difficult to refocus their attention or calm them down in such situations.
Using mobile phones, computers or watching television for a long time can also trigger ADHD. Too much screen time affects the attention, leading to difficulty in completing tasks. It is important to limit digital time as it can also cause an increase in impulsivity and hyperactivity.
The more you know about the common triggers for ADHD, you can better manage the symptoms, thus reducing the effects of ADHD in your life. Learn new ways so that you do not feel overwhelmed in triggering situations and make your life better.