6 Tips to Conceive Naturally

6 Tips to Conceive Naturally

The number of couples handling infertility issues has increased in the recent past, with 1 in 8 couples in the country struggling with infertility. Here are some natural conception methods one can try to boost fertility and conceive without having to go through expensive treatments.

  • Have a balanced diet – When you are trying to conceive, what you eat matters. Gynecologists and nutritionists advise their patients to include whole foods, complex carbohydrates, unsaturated fats, good amounts of proteins, fruits, and vegetables to improve fertility.
  • Workout regularly – In the list of natural conception methods, exercising is crucial. You do not have to hit the gym every day; instead, you can take a brisk walk, play a sport you like, or jog. Do remember that a highly intensive workout can be bad. Ensure you exercise in moderation to boost your fertility.
  • Relax and enjoy the process – While conceiving a baby, ensure that you are not stressed. When you are stress-free and mentally happy, your body’s fertility levels increase automatically.
  • Include fibrous food – Another of the natural conception methods that you can try at home is including high-fiber foods in your diet. Fiber helps bring down the body’s estrogen levels, which is important for fertilizing the eggs. High-fiber foods also bring down blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or PCOS.
  • Cut back on alcohol – This is very important if you want to boost your fertility and conceive successfully. Alcohol wreaks havoc in the body and alters estrogen levels. It also rapidly increases blood sugar levels in the body. An occasional glass of wine is fine, but a habit of drinking regularly may cause infertility.
  • Track ovulation cycle – This is logically a very important step to follow when you want to conceive. You can look for telltale signs of how your cervical mucus looks. When you are ovulating, the mucus turns transparent, sticky, and stretchy. Before and after ovulation, the mucus is white and thicker in consistency. Have sex when you are ovulating to increase your chances of conceiving naturally. You can also track your menstruation cycle and have sex on the 11 th and 21 st days (for a 28-day cycle) to increase your chances of conceiving naturally.

All these natural conception methods are ways to make your reproductive system healthier. If you are trying to get pregnant, start by making healthy lifestyle choices. Talk to your doctor to see if you need additional dietary supplements to boost your fertility.