5 Lifestyle Choices That Trigger Migraines
Migraine, in some cases, can last for days and can have an impact on daily life. This painful condition can be triggered by a number of factors. But it is poor lifestyle choices that most often trigger migraine. Here are a few of these habits that you can try to avoid or restrict.
Food and Drink
Studies have found that certain foods and beverages can trigger migraine headaches. A few of these are
- Alcohol
- Caffeine
- Citrus fruit
- Aged or matured foods
- Packaged foods that contain additives
- Chocolate
Hence, among the lifestyle choices that trigger migraine, our diet could play a vital role. Staying hungry or fasting for long periods could also act as a trigger for these painful headaches.
Another among the lifestyle choices that trigger migraine is not getting enough sleep. In a study conducted by Missouri State University’s Center for Biomedical and Life Sciences, it was found that insufficient sleep can result in changes in the levels of essential proteins that increase the risk of a migraine. Those who sleep for less than six hours a day are more prone to a migraine attack. However, getting more than eight hours of sleep could also increase the risk of headaches. Setting a sleep routine where you go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day even on holidays could be beneficial.
One of the poor lifestyle choices that trigger migraine can be the lack of physical activity or not getting sufficient exercise. Many individuals with migraine avoid physical exertion as they believe it can trigger an attack. However, certain forms of exercise such as yoga, breathing exercises, and tai chi can help to manage stress which is a known trigger for migraine attacks.
Loud Noises and Flashing Lights
Most often, a migraine episode is triggered by exposure to high-volume sound as well as being exposed to strobe lights. Hence, avoiding certain places or situations where these might occur could be beneficial in preventing migraine. Some of these are
- Clubs or crowded places
- Night-time driving
- Being exposed to the glare from the sun
For those who suffer from migraines, it could be useful to take regular breaks when watching television or using a computer to rest your eyes. Also, adjusting the brightness levels on digital screens could be useful.
Keep a Diary
Keeping a headache diary to note down when your migraine attack occurred could help you to identify triggers and avoid them. You should keep track of the foods and beverages you consume, exercise regimen, feelings and emotions, weather and medications that you are on.
So keep these lifestyle choices that trigger migraine in mind and make the necessary changes today to avoid this debilitating condition.